

“Changing the Truth of God into a Lie”

Changing the Truth of God into a Lie

Wade Webster

In describing the Gentiles that God gave up, Paul said that they "changed the truth of God into a lie" (Rom. 1:25).  It seems that the major truth that the Gentiles changed into a lie was the truth that there was but one God.   However, they did not stop with just that one change.  As you know, once you make that change, the floodgates of change are opened.  In this study, we want to consider some other ways in which they changed the truth of God into a lie.

They changed the truth of God concerning sexuality into a lie.  Paul described them as being given over to “vile affections” (Rom. 1:26).  Included among the “vile affections” was homosexuality.  Women changed the "natural use" into that which was against nature (Rom. 1:26).  In like manner, men left the "natural use" of the woman and burned in their lust toward one another (Rom. 1:27).             

They changed the truth of God concerning speech into a lie.  Their words and their deeds were characterized by "maliciousness," "debate," "deceit," and "malignity" (Rom. 1:29).  They became "whisperers," "backbiters," "boasters," “covenant-breakers,” and “haters of God” (Rom. 1:29-31).  “Haters of God” likely refers to the fact that they spoke against or blasphemed the name of God (Rom. 1:30).  They bought into the lie of free speech.  They bought into the lie that men are free to say whatever they want to say.  However, corrupt communication is forbidden by God (Eph. 4:29).  Our speech is to always be seasoned with salt and with grace (Col. 4:6). 

They changed the truth of God concerning the sanctity of life into a lie.  Rather than respecting the lives of others, they bought into the lie of shedding innocent blood.  Paul described them as “unmerciful” and said that they were guilty of "murder" (Rom. 1:29, 31).  They thought little of others or of life. 

They changed the truth of God concerning satisfaction into a lie.  Rather than being content with the blessings that they had, they bought into the lie of covetousness (Rom. 1:29).  They were "full of envy" (Rom. 1:29).  They accepted the lie that a man's life consisteth of the things that he possesses (Lk. 12:15).  As you know, there are many in affluent America who have bought into the same lie.

They changed the truth of God concerning self into a lie.  Rather than thinking of themselves humbly (Rom. 12:3), they bought into the lie of self-promotion.  Notice that Paul describes them as "proud" (Rom. 1:30).  Furthermore, they were without "natural affection" (Rom. 1:31).  In other words, they didn't love or provide for their families as they should have.  No doubt, they held to the idea that a man or a woman has to do what is best for them as individuals rather than what is best for their families.  In the humanistic word in which we live, many have trade traded the truth of God concerning self for a lie.  God expects for men parents to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of their            children (1 Tim. 5:8, 14; Eph. 6:1-4; Prov. 22:16; Tit. 2:4-5).

They changed the truth of God concerning submission.  Notice that Paul describes them as "disobedient to parents" (Rom. 1:30).    The children bought into the lie that they knew better than their parents.  Perhaps, the parents even bought into the lie that disciplining your children might warp them and cause them to have low self-esteem.  Whatever the case, they traded the truth for a lie.  After all, God says that it is right for children to obey their parents (Eph. 6:1; Col. 3:20). 

As you know, men continue to change the truth of God concerning sexuality, speech, satisfaction, self, submission, and the sanctity of life into a lie. Let’s make sure that we don’t buy into these lies.