

“I Take It Personally”

"I Take It Personally" 

John M. Brown 

        When studying religious ideas, theories, philosophies, and concepts, we all seek, or certainly we ought, to be as objective as possible. We recognize that prejudices, preconceptions, and personal feelings can sometimes cloud our view and make it more difficult to assess accurately; hence we seek an impersonal and unprejudiced determination regarding the matters at hand. 
        However, when it comes to the liberal rantings and ravings among us today, I frankly admit I take it personally. I do try to be objective in appraisal. But personal feelings lie just below the surface, and often force me to confront matters I would rather not. Truly, I find no pleasure at all in confronting liberalism. I would much rather NOT have to deal with it, in that I would rather it didn't exist among us, and thus be of no threat. Howbeit, unfortunately, liberalism among us exists, reality confronts us, truth beckons, and so we must speak. 
        Let me explain why, to me, personal feelings get involved in these matters. My grandfather, my great-grandfather, and my great-great-grandfather, were all Baptist preachers. It is ingrained in our family many generations deep. When I was in high school, I met a preacher from the church of Christ. I know what I came out of, and what I went into. I know about severing family roots, to forsake the religious sentiments of my ancestors and enter into the one true church of Jesus Christ. In the course of our home Bible studies, as I learned God's Word, I was at times disturbed, often corrected, gratefully enlightened, and thankfully converted! That's awfully personal, wouldn't you agree? 
        Had the preacher who taught me NOT shown me the difference between the Lord's church and denominationalism, had he NOT taught me the difference between God's plan of salvation and what I had heard all my life growing up, and had he NOT taught me about faithful Christian service in life and worship comparing the New Testament pattern with the creeds and theories of men, I say had he NOT done these things, I would today NOT be a Christian. I would NOT be a member of Christ's church. I would be LOST and WITHOUT HOPE. And, I would be on my way to eternal HELL. YOU BETTER BELIEVE I TAKE IT PERSONALLY!! I have sincerely thanked God many times that my introduction to churches of Christ did not come from a person who didn't know the difference between the church of the Lord ad the churches of men. 
        I can easily take criticism of the church from without. I expected it and I have not been disappointed. But when I hear unjust and wrong criticism of the church from WITHIN, from those who ought to know better, then I am greatly disturbed and personally disgusted. I know what I forsook, and I know what I gained. I know where I was, and I know where I am. If you don't know the difference between the one church founded by Christ himself, and the churches of men, please write me. Just as I was shown by a brother several years ago, so I'll be glad to explain it to you. 
        I was sixteen years old when I began a study of the Bible. Some seventeen years have passed since. I learned a few things along the way. I can tell you exactly what you must do to be saved from past sins, to enter Christ's church, to worship according to the New Testament pattern, to serve God faithfully, and to go to heaven when you die. If you don't know, I DO. I say this not arrogantly or presumptuously. These are things I KNOW, and you can know them too! I know, because I have a Book -- THE BOOK -- God's Book, the Bible! It tells me these things and more. And it will tell you if you will listen. It is not a Book that is secret, mysterious, closed, locked and incomprehensible. It reveals God's will. GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW HIS BOOK! I learned the truth because I learned the Bible. You can learn the truth because you can learn the Bible. We oppose liberals and liberalism, because it is advocacy of things contrary to the Book of God! 
        While liberals speak of "our fellowship" or "our movement," I speak of CHRIST'S CHURCH, the spotless bride for which our Savior died -- the one church, bought with the precious blood of the spotless Lamb. Now, that's personal with me, friend. For that's the blood, and the purchased church, of MY SAVIOR, MY LORD, and MY REDEEMER
        When liberals speak of "our traditions," I speak of GOD'S PATTERN. If there is no pattern to New Testament Christianity, then no one knows what's right, we are all hopelessly confused and blind, groping in the dark for nothing. But that's not the way it is -- you don't have to be confused, your Christianity doesn't have to be a guessing game. You can, personally, be lifted from the miry pit of sin, doubt, and confusion, and be put on the narrow way of light, hope and salvation. 
        When liberals speak of "change," I am reminded of the GOD WHO DOES NOT CHANGE, the Savior who is the SAME yesterday, today, forever, the WORD which forbids addition or subtraction, the GOSPEL whose warning echo is cursedness upon any who preach otherwise. When liberals speak of changing that by which I found salvation, you're right, I take it personally. 
        When liberals condemn "our arrogance" or "our sectarian spirit," I think of my BRETHREN, for whom Christ died, and who I must love even as I love God. I cannot extend my love impersonally. I think of brethren, not filled with pride, conceit, nor arrogance, but with conviction about truth! God bless those men and women of both former and present times who often, at great personal hardship, sacrificed for the truth of Christianity! Their toil, their labor, their conviction, their determination, made possible the easier road many of us can today traverse. 
        When liberal advocate fellowship with denominations, I think of FAMILY TIES I SEVERED, even as the Savior said I would, to take my stand with Him and with His people and with His truth. That gets mighty personal, now doesn't it? 
        In short, when liberals castigate and ridicule my SAVIOR, HIS CHURCH, and my HOPE, I can't for the life of me figure out any other way to take that, than personally. Can you?