

“Hear Ye Him!”

Hear Ye Him!

David Sproule

Who are the most common people that we “listen to” today?  For some of us, it’s our mom and dad, or our grandfather or grandmother.  The wisdom of those generations is something we ought to cherish.  For some of us, we listen to what our friends have to say.  We care about what they think.  For some of us, we listen carefully to what a teacher says or what some scientist has discovered.  We respect those who are trained in certain fields.  For some of us, we listen to what police officers or judges say.  We hold up those individuals who have been charged with keeping and enforcing the law.  For some of us, we listen to what politicians say.  We expect our local, state and national leaders and representatives to look out for our best interests and communicate with us about what is happening.  For some of us, we listen to the media.  We look to those who have insight and access into matters that we do not and assume they will tell us the details of what we need to know.  For some of us, we listen to our inner voice.  We do those things that seem right to us in the moment.  There are certainly a lot of different “voices” that we listen to and pay attention to today.  However, are these the most trusted sources?  How can we be certain that we are not led astray down the wrong path?

In Luke 9, Jesus’ three close friends, Peter, James and John, were listening to Him and Moses and Elijah talk about Jesus’ impending death (9:31).  While listening to them, Peter apparently saw three equals in the conversation and suggested building three tabernacles for them to stay and continue talking, “not knowing what he said” (9:33).  The voice of God redirected Peter’s misstep and said, “This is my Son, my chosen; hear ye him” (9:35, ASV).  There were other great and powerful voices to hear that day (the voice of Israel’s lawgiver and the voice of the mighty prophet), but there was only one voice that mattered!  Hear ye JESUS!

There are many powerful voices out there that desire to be heard (and even demand to be heard, in some cases).  But, when it comes to those matters of ETERNAL consequence—such as holiness, righteousness, faith, salvation, baptism, the church, worship, morality, homosexuality, fornication, the sanctity of life, abortion, sin, etc.—the ONLY voice that matters is JESUS!  He has authority (Matt. 28:18)!  Hear ye Him!  His Word thoroughly equips us for all things (2 Tim. 3:16-17)!  Hear ye Him!  He is King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16)!  Hear ye Him!  He will judge all mankind, at the end of time, by the standard of His Word (Acts 17:30-31; John 12:48).  Hear ye Him!

Don’t get caught up listening to the wrong voice!  There are so many loud ones, it’s easy to do!  Hear ye Him!