

“The Open Marriage That God Approves”

The “Open Marriage” That God Approves

David Sproule

So, among those who some consider to be the “elite,” the “sophisticated,” the “woke,” the “enlightened,” the “cultured” of our day, the practice of an “open marriage” is acceptable, admired and applauded.  Open marriage is defined as a consensual “form of non-monogamy in which the partners of a dyadic marriage agree that each may engage in extramarital sexual relationships, without this being regarded by them as infidelity, and consider or establish an open relationship despite the implied monogamy of marriage.”  That’s a long definition.  Let me define that with one word (the one that God uses):  adultery! 

God created marriage and God created the “sexual relationship,” and God placed the sexual relationship inside and ONLY inside the husband-wife relationship.  From a Biblical standpoint (the only viewpoint that matters), an adulterer is one “who has unlawful intercourse with the spouse of another.”  It is “unlawful” because it violates the “law” of God (Heb. 13:41 Cor. 6:9Jas. 2:11).  Thus, practicing anything like what society calls an “Open Marriage” today is sin in the eyes of God, plain and simple.

So, put society’s practice and explanation of “Open Marriage” aside.  Now, pick up the phrase “Open Marriage” in a different and more Biblical light.  Let me ask you, do you have an “open marriage”?  Again, I’m not talking sexually! 

Do you have an “open marriage” in the sense that the Bible is what is “open” and guiding your marriage (Psa. 119:105)?* If your marriage is “closed” to the Bible, it will fail.

Do you have an “open marriage” in the sense that you are engaged in worship with the church and Bible study every time the doors are “open” (Heb. 10:25)? If your marriage is “closed” to the church and worshiping God, it will fail.

Do you have an “open marriage” in the sense that you both “open” your hearts to God and talk to Him together (1 Thess. 5:17; Phil. 4:6)?  If your marriage is “closed” to prayer, it will fail.

Do you have an “open marriage” in the sense that you are “open” to considering the needs of each other (1 Pet. 3:7)?  If your marriage is “closed” to looking out for both of your needs and each partner fulfilling the needs of the other, it will fail.

Do you have an “open marriage” in the sense that you are “open” with each other and communicate freely about all things in your life without fear of harm or danger (Col. 3:18-19)?  If your marriage is “closed” to listening to each other’s hearts, it will fail.

Do you have an “open marriage”?  Not the one that society lauds as “woke,” but the one that God longs for you to have with Him and with each other?  If not, “open” up!

*Note: I added a few supporting Scriptures.